Elbow Room: the adequate space to move or work in, no obstruction, no one in your way, the freedom to do what you want. Bliss…
Rachel will share her search for the ideal elbow room, the kind leg-ups, the tough mountains climbed and slides of joy down the other side. Moments where having someone to bump elbows with is nice, and her best work from being given the right space, to work in and paint on.

Rachel Joy
Lettering Artist
Rachel Joy is a lettering artist based between London and Paris. Her work brings words to life, crafting them into 3D forms using modern, eye-catching and joyful colour combinations. Her work has featured on packaging, on luxury bags, magazine and book covers and across large scale murals. She has worked with clients all over the world, including Apple, Google, o2, Westfield, Adidas, Galaxy and Bombay Sapphire.