Improving delivery outcomes by designing culture with communities
Jaskiran Kang
Head of Service Design at TPXimpact
I’m a woman of colour – a minority in a leadership space. How I lead and how I deliver is a process in itself, informed by experience. I will talk through some recommendations to deliver important public services from my perspective.
Some examples and thoughts I will cover:
- To do digital transformation in complex silo’d spaces you need internal cultures which allows communities to share, learn, and apply. To ‘Get help with care’ for example, a citizen will need to interact with 13 different departments. It’s important there’s some level of consistency in experience, time it takes to get help and how data is passed through those services.
- We all have baggage which defines how we show up. We need to embrace diversity, perspective and experience to shape how we reflect and design our services.
- We need to create safe spaces to experiment. Opening doors and creating conditions for people to do their best work.
- Distributing power motivates people. Empowering and giving ownership shapes how people work together.

Jaskiran Kang
Head of Service Design at TPXimpact
Jas is a designer. She has over fifteen years experience working with digital products and services. She’s worked in e-commerce, finance and education. She now consults in digital transformation for public sector, local gov and third sector clients.
Jas has transitioned into design leadership for the last 4-5 years. She’s been experimenting with a range of leadership techniques to build a thriving practice and designers. Jas is head of service design practice at TPXimpact. She’s aiming to create the right conditions for design to thrive. Building, collaborating and sharing as one strong community to build design capabilities inside organisations who deliver end to end services for people who need to use them.