Defy the odds
Jade Tomlin
Executive Creative Director, Huge Inc New York
Whether it’s harnessing creative discipline, honing your moral compass or liberating your craft – all creatives live to defy the odds of intersections, distraction and procrastination in order to progress. Jade has worked as Group Creative Director of digital gem AKQA to advertising giant BBH and runs her own publication CreativeAdventur.es. She’s now the Executive Creative Director at Huge Inc New York. She’ll be sharing her go-to tips & tricks gained over the years, along with a glimpse of Issue 4: NATURE.

Jade Tomlin
Executive Creative Director, Huge Inc New York
Jade is a Creative Adventurer who since graduating from St. Martins in 2008 worked for advertising giant Bartle Bogle Hegarty to digital boutique Hugo & Cat. With 15 years of diverse creative industry experience across a range of lifestyle brands from Volkswagen, Sony, Starbucks, Levi’s to Burberry. She joined imagination + innovation studios AKQA, where she built hybrid ideas, storytelling and creative innovation with the leadership team as Group Creative Director.