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How to make friends and influence stakeholders

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How do you make service design and user research land well when it’s new to an organisation and people are used to working a different way? How do you create an environment that gives room for your designers to breathe, while building a good reputation for design thinking and proving that ‘you’re worth it’?

Research and product consultants Jo and Olivia work for Kainos, a consultancy that over the past 5 years has gone from offering purely tech solutions to full service design, delivery and customer experience. Not only have they been part of the movement within their company in advocating for design, they’ve worked with many clients in the public sector who are just getting to grips with user-centred design so need help understanding and embedding it in their culture.

Join Jo and Olivia for a hands-on workshop on advocating for good design practice. You’ll be sharing your experiences, and learning techniques and tricks to help move things along where you work.

You just need to bring yourself and an appetite to learn and share.

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