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Andy Neal

Creative Director

Andy’s career began accidently whilst playing in a late 80s thrash metal outfit, recording two albums and living the dream out of the back of a van. The bubble burst, and he subsequently studied graphic design for over five years – initially in Cornwall, and then in Edinburgh, where he graduated with a Degree in Visual Communication and later with a Masters in Graphic Design. He worked commercially in Scotland across print, exhibition and digital design, and started teaching part-time in the late 90s at Glasgow School of Art.

Since then, he has become more heavily involved in design education, lecturing at Falmouth University full-time for over sixteen years (where he has held various teaching and co-ordination roles on the Graphic Design degree), and is driven by encouraging creativity to grow in other people. He is a member of the ISTD Education team, and is currently external examiner at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

Over the past decade – as well as continuing with his own practice as a designer and his teaching commitments, he’s become increasingly interested in the various frameworks we all create (consciously or otherwise) to make the most of any creative challenge. His ‘designdice’ project (due to be launched at BDF) has been part of an ongoing journey exploring how the complexity of a creative process can be made more accessible – particularly to students of design. 

He doesn’t like categories, but is equally at home lecturing about process or typography as he is designing graphic communications, or playing guitar in experimental rock & electronica outfits in liturgical spaces. 

He lives and works in Cornwall, UK.

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