BDF happens in June, but what do you do when you need a fix of exceptional creative speakers and a friendly local design community? You Gather.
Gather is our bi-annual event, held on a Thursday evening at The Crossing in Digbeth.
About Gather
Twice a year, in Spring and Autumn, we get together at The Crossing in Digbeth to put on a special evening of speakers, street food and shopping.
Initially part of the Glug family, after the pandemic ‘Glug Birmingham’ rebranded as ‘Gather’ – with similar vibes and format to help continue the tradition of a regular creative event in the BDF calendar.
We host Gather on a Thursday night from 7pm–10pm, usually with four speakers and a healthy supply of food and the Birmingham Design Shop.
Keep an eye on our social media for the next event. You can follow us on Instagram and X.

Next event
Turn Up For The Books
Thu 10th April, 7pm
We’re delighted to welcome four diverse voices to Brum – all with brilliant books under their belts – and unique viewpoints on publishing and life. With open minds and a warm welcome we invite you to turn up for the books!

Previous Speakers