Media Partner profile: Eye Magazine
We are thrilled to announce that Eye magazine will be joining us as Media Partner for the 2022 festival.

Eye’s take on graphic design and visual culture comes in a beautifully produced print publication you can read like a magazine and collect like a book.

For more than a hundred issues, Eye’s readers have taken inspiration from the award-winning magazine’s critical, authoritative coverage of design, typography, photography, illustration, digital media and graphic arts of all kinds. The issues are packed with well researched profiles, interviews, overviews, reviews and opinion pieces written by well regarded writers, academics, specialists and designers who like to write: new writers are always welcome.
As Stack’s Steve Watson wrote about the latest Eye:
‘It’s every bit as good as you’d expect … so consistently brilliant that it’s not exactly a surprise when the new issue comes out and it’s ace.’

Designers at the Festival whose work has been featured in Eye include DixonBaxi (Eye 70), Morag Meyerscough (Eye 79), Spin (Eye 86), Rob Lowe / Supermundane (Eye 87), Dines / Studio Blup and Richard Turley (Eye 100), plus Sarah Boris and Jim Sutherland (Eye 101). Eye’s art editor Holly Catford, also the designer/entrepreneur behind Pit magazine, will also be speaking in Birmingham on Friday 10 June.
You can buy single copies of Eye at all good indie mag stores, or support independent publishing by taking out a four-issue subscription. Eye magazine is owned by the people who make it: editor John L. Walters and art director Simon Esterson.

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